

American States


Vintage Rugs

Isn't it time you had 

A home that supports you

Heart Centered homes

"Normal" is on pause at the moment. 

We're being called to observe.

Our environment. Our impact on others. Our connection to our heart.

What is the primary emotion that bubbles to the surface during this time? Is it fear? Is it uncertaintly? Is is worry? It shouldn't be. Our hearts and homes should be filled with peace, rest and calm. 

Our homes should be a haven. A sanctuary, not a prison sentence. 

Does your home 

We may not have to address those toxic coworkers, 

Together, we can rework and image the space around you into something that uplifts and supports you during this time. 

While I don't know what the  I know what we have in front of us right now. And that is every opportunity to examine our lives and our surrounding and choose love. 

Create more love at home so we can  in turn share that with the people around us. 
When we are in a time of crisis, we become MORE "human." We are MORE empathetic, MORE understanding and MORE apt to connect with people we otherwise would put on the back-burner. 

Now is the time to take advantage of all the networking opportunities presenting themselves because the bonds that you create now, will stay with you long after this is all over.  

But how? 

You know that everything I said above is true ... but where do you start? 

How do you find the virtual events you should be joining? 

What do you strategically talk about?

How are you supposed to truly connect with perfect strangers?

What is the proper follow-up and email etiquette?

What if they don't respond to you?

And how are you supposed to nurture all these new connections and turn them into relationships all while doing the work you're already doing?

Some of us are natural networkers, while others struggle with the concept of turning strangers into friends ...  

... The good news is that networking is a skill that can be taught.  

I've been a professional networker for 12 years and have built the largest local community of entrepreneurs, professionals and small business owners.

In the next 8 weeks, ​I will personally show you how to get leads, generate new business, create professional relationships and achieve results -- and how to do it all during the Corona crisis.

We'll cover how to turn any networking situations to your advantage,  create a rock solid strategy and get people coming to YOU.  

When executed properly, your network will be one of your best referral sources.

If you find yourself resonating with any of the above statements and you'd like to truly understand the ins-and-outs of how to turn perfect strangers into paying clients ... 

... then, I invite you to join my group calls discussing new topics

Together, we can create a

heart centered home

One that brings you peace, joy and is a reflection of you. 

Rich text

sooner rather than later as there is limited availability to ensure each suite receives the attention it deserves!

The process looks a little like this:

Schedule a 15 minute phone consult.

Work up an estimate based on that conversation. 

Make it official with a signed contract and deposit.

Design, drink coffee.

Design some more. 

Approve that design.

Do a happy dance. 

Send to print. 


I want to know of all the places and what the people are like there. I want to connect with the people around me and I want to learn about the ones I've never been. I want my world to be as big as it is small and so, that is the purpose behind the items I create.  

I want you to connect with the people and places around you and inspire you to find the new, the interesting, the unvisited. To get out there and get curious. Find a world that looks nothing like what yours and see the beauty and commonalities in our differences. 


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